Treatment of shingles


Fighting the virus

The virus needs to be fought and contained. This is done with antiviral drugs.


Treating blisters

Treatment of the rash is important in order to prevent infection and scarring.


Alleviating pain

Pain therapy is provided for acute pain, with analgesics usually being sufficient


Establishing balance

If severe pain leads to depressive moods, appropriate treatment is necessary.

1) This treatment is especially important for immunocompromised, the elderly and people who have had already developed complications such as involvement of the eyes, ears or brain. Corticosteroids such as cortisone are often given to reduce the inflammatory response.

2) Severe nerve pain is typically treated with strong painkillers.

3) This is particularly relevant when considering the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia (PHN).

Impairment of quality of life and social life

Unfortunately, treating nerve pain is often difficult and does not always lead to the desired results. Severe pain, which is often described as unbearable, has a major impact on the lives of those affected.

Shingles impacts leisure time, social and family life. In particular, patients report negative effects on sleep, daily life, daily activities, mood and ability to work.

Limited productivity

The constant pain affects sleep, mental state and performance. Due to the severeness of pain some patients are temporarily unable to work.

Impact on quality of life

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Important source of information

There are many websites that provide information about shingles. Detailed and reliable information is available at: